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  • Portuguese Ministry of Justice

Elevating E-Governance: GLASS Project's Live Demonstration in Portugal Unveiled

In a remarkable showcase of cutting-edge e-Governance advancements, the GLASS project, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 program (GA nº 959879), recently concluded one of its Final Demonstrations at end-user premises. Hosted by the Portuguese Ministry of Justice on October 13, 2023, this event took the participants on a comprehensive journey through the tangible applications of GLASS's transformative digital solutions. Multiple relevant stakeholders joined the event, such as the Attorney General's Office, the General Directorate of Justice Administration, the Directorate of Criminal Identification Services, the National Communications Authority and the Judiciary Police, among others.

Central to GLASS is the vision of empowering European citizens by simplifying access to e-Government services. The live demonstration went beyond presentations, allowing participants to actively engage in creating digital wallets and simulating official document requests. This interactive experience provided a hands-on understanding of how GLASS intends to revolutionise the digital landscape.

What made this event even more impactful was the detailed testing of the three use cases, each unveiling GLASS's prowess in tackling diverse scenarios. The first use case addressed the challenges faced by individuals seeking legal employment in a foreign country, focusing on streamlining bureaucratic processes and reducing barriers. The second use case spotlighted the mobility of seniors relocating abroad, demonstrating GLASS's commitment to inclusivity and overcoming administrative challenges for seniors seeking short-term travel opportunities. The third use case displayed GLASS's ground-breaking solution for digitizing and verifying educational credentials, marking a leap forward in making educational qualifications more accessible and secure.

These practical exercises provided profound insights into GLASS's versatility, highlighting its ability to navigate complexities across various scenarios. The successful testing of multiple use cases solidified GLASS's role in creating a seamless and inclusive e-Governance experience. This event marks a significant milestone in the journey towards a digitally empowered Europe, where technology serves as a catalyst for positive change in the lives of its citizens.

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